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Yap: Send a 1-2-1 yap πŸ’¬

How to send a yap (a.k.a. "a message") to a colleague in Yapster. Watch below video or follow below steps.

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

You can send a yap (a message) by searching for your colleague on the "Find" tab. We also have a video at the bottom that might help.

Send a yap - search your colleague from the "find" tab

Step 1 - From the "find" tab on your app, search for your colleague at the top on "Find people, locations, and groups".

Step 2 - Search for your colleague's name

Step 3 - Click on their name to bring up their profile or click the red speech marks icon on the right of their name to start a 1-2-1 conversation

Step 4 - If you land on their profile you can click "Start Yap" to start your conversation

Step 5 - You can now type your message and send it.

This is now your 1-2-1 conversation with this colleague, which will always be on your "yaps" tab. (You can archive your yaps at any time - click here to see how.)

Pro tip - When you have a lot of conversations in your "Yaps" tab, you can also search at the top on "filter by title". The title can be your colleague's name or the name of the group yap.

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