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Accessing Yapster on Desktop

This shares how to access Yapster via Desktop

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

This Guide covers:

Accessing Yapster on Desktop

You can access Yapster on your computer anywhere via

This uses the same login details so enter your username and password to get access.

If you are logged in to Yapster on your mobile device, you can head to My Devices to send yourself a login link:

  1. Click on the Settings Cog in the top-left corner of your screen

  2. Select My Devices

  3. Select Register another device

  4. Input either another mobile or email address

  5. A new login link will be sent to that device

Top Tip: Save this to your favourites or bookmarks for easy access

Using widescreen view on Desktop

Desktop users ( can change how Yapster is displayed in the browser view by heading to the Settings Cog in the top left corner of the screen.

Click Settings found above the Logout button.

You'll be presented with a WIDE SCREEN VIEW toggle.

Toggle this option on to switch your view to fit the whole screen.

Clearing My Browser Cache

Your browser may be storing an old version of Yapster, so we may ask that you clear this old version in order to make sure that new access is displayed. You may also need to do this when new features are launched.

Here's how to clear your cache on Google Chrome:

Type CTRL+SHIFT+Del to go directly to the Clear browsing data dialog, below.

Alternately you can click the vertical ellipsis at the top right of Chrome’s menu bar, and then click Settings.

On the resulting page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Advanced to expose more options.

​Scroll down until you find, and then click on, Clear browsing data.

In the resulting dialog, in either the Basic or Advanced tab, make sure that “Cached images and files” is checked. This represents your browser’s cache. You can select additional items to clear if you like.

Once you've followed these steps, head to in a new tab and you should have access to all newly released Yapster features.

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