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Haven't Received an Invite Yet?
Haven't Received an Invite Yet?

Troubleshooting why a new starter hasn't received an invite from Yapster to join their company communication tool

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

Automated daily imports of your HR data allows Yapster to update your company directory every day to ensure your company directory remains up to date.

This means that:

  • new starters are added and profiles are created in Yapster;

  • leavers are removed and their access revoked;

  • site transfers and job title changes are actioned

Once new starters are imported to Yapster an email invite is automatically sent to get them onboard. Users that haven't onboarded yet get weekly email invites until they onboard,

If you're a new starter and so far have not received a Yapster invite:

  • ask a manager to double check that you have been processed correctly as a new employee in the HR portal;

  • make sure you have included a valid email address in the HR system, this includes checking spelling and correct format;

  • take a look in your spam folder - the invite may be hiding there📧

Still Haven't Recieved an Invite?

If you're not having any luck after the above checks, drop the support team a message:, remembering to include the following information:

  • Full name

  • Company name

  • Current email address

  • Employee ID

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