Yapster's notification behaviour differs from other instant messaging apps in order to promote a better work/life balance for our users.
Based on this behaviour, notification previews on a lock screen generally fit into two categories:
You have unread messages in: Yap name
This preview is sent to all users in a group yap when a message is sent but does not contain an @mention for a particular user.
Message author: Message preview including @mention
In order to make the most out of Yapster's instant messaging functionality, we encourage users to use @mentions in all group yaps in order to promote best practices.
@mentioning a user ensures your question or conversation isn't lost in the normal noise of a busy group yap. The user you are tagging will know based on the message preview that their attention is required, in comparison with a general notification that someone has posted a new message in the chat.
Engagement in yaps is increased when all users are confident that they will get an answer to their questions in their group chats.
Clicking a message in a group yap and choosing "Reply to message" from the context menu will also trigger a message preview to the original message author.