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Creating Conversations
Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

NOTE: all requests must be authenticated.




Response Type


URL Path Parameters




the UUID of the org in which to create the conversation

Example Request

$ curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Token <auth token value>" \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"conversation": {… see below …}}' \

A successful response will be a JSON document consisting of the POSTed "conversation" with the addition of an "id" field containing it’s UUID within Yapster.

POST Body Parameter

To be sent as application/json:

"conversation": {
// required
"name": "conversation title",
"type": "group",
"visibility": "group",
"join_policy": "closed",
"user_ids": ["<user ID>", "<user ID>", …],
"group_ids": ["<group ID>", "<group ID>", …],
// optional
"client_id": "<unique ID to prevent double posting, in UUID format>",
"external_uid": "<unique ID to aid retrieval>"
"conversation_pic_url": "" "callback": {"url": ""}

Things to note:

  • You must specify a "name" (title) for the conversation.

  • The “type”, “visibility”, and “join_policy” should always be as specified above (other values are a potential future enhancement.)

  • It is advised to use a "client_id" to guard against double posting if/when a request is resubmitted due to failure. This should be a UUID in standard, RFC 4122, string format, e.g. dd9f962e-72e1-498b-a039-73faa5866d5f.

  • Specifying an "external_uid" will help you find the conversation again later.

  • Giving a "conversation_pic_url" will display the corresponding image as a title image on the conversation.

  • You can address both individual users and groups of users (and any combination thereof.)

  • The "user_ids" and "group_ids" lists must always be provided—even when not addressing that type of entity (e.g. you must still provide an empty "user_ids" array when only addressing groups.)

Addressing Users

To address individual users in a conversation find their user IDs and provide them as an array under the "user_ids" field when creating the conversation.

Addressing Groups

To address entire groups of users in a conversation find their group IDs and provide them as an array under the "group_ids" field when creating the conversation.

Intersecting Groups

You can address a subset of a group (or groups)—for example “Managers in London”—by providing an intersection rather than the individual group IDs.

A simple intersection (“Managers in London”) would be specified as:

["and", "<managers group ID>", "<london group ID>"]

You can also construct intersections over multiple groups, e.g. “Chefs and Sous-Chefs in Brighton”:

["and", ["or", "<chefs group ID>", "<sous-chefs group ID>"], "<london group ID>"]

Registering a Callback

As shown in the body parameter you may optionally provide a “callback URL” when creating conversations. These URLs will receive, via HTTP POST requests, a copy of any message posted in the conversation.

The format of the callback requests made by Yapster to your registered handler are:

$ curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '<callback POST body>' \

With the POST body consisting of:

"conversation_message": {
"org_id": "org UUID",
"conversation_id": "conversation UUID",
"id": "message UUID",
"external_uid": "external UID of message", // if originating from external API client
"type": "plain",
"author_id": "message author user UUID",
"body": "message text",
"message_pic_url": "", // may be null
"message_video_url": "", // may be null
"media_ref": [], // see below
"deleted": false, // or true on deletion
"edited": false, // or true when edited
"message_time": "ISO-8601 timestamp",
"updated_at": "ISO-8601 timestamp",
"history": [{ … previous version of message … }, …], // if the message has “quoted” another:
"reply_to": {
"id": "UUID of quoted/replied to message",
"author_id": "replied-to message author UUID",
"message_time": "ISO-8601 timestamp",
"body": "replied-to message body",
"media_ref": [
"type": "image", // or "video" or "document"
"path": ""


About those "media_ref"s … if a message contains more than one picture then the "message_pic_url" will be null and there will instead be entries in the "media_ref" array. Unfortunately those entries will be encoded as serialized EDN and so will be strings as in:

"media_ref": ['{:type "image", :path ""}']
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