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My Profile

Update your profile on Yapster, watch the following video or follow the instructions to change your picture, your name and your password.

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

Basic profile details such as your name, job title/role, bio and location are visible to all users.

The video below covers how to do the following things:

  • Add/Change your Profile Picture

  • Edit your name (for when you go by an alternative name to the name in your HR Data e.g. Nicci instead of Nicola)

  • Change your Bio (for when you want to add a short explainer to help your teams know a little about who you are and what you do!)

  • Update/Change your Password

  • Add/Change @username

Please note you cannot change your 'Job Title' , 'Locations' or 'Roles', as it's imported from your company HR profile. If any of these are wrong, please contact your manager or HR department at your place of work.

'Start Date' can be displayed on your profile (subject to administrator approval)

  • If this information is available from your HR portal it will be used, otherwise the date displayed will be when your profile was created in Yapster.

Here's how to edit your profile:

Step 1 - Click on the cog (the settings cog) on the top left hand corner.

Step 2 - Click on 'My Profile' and you'll see your profile.

Step 3 - Click 'Edit' on the top right hand corner, and you'll be able to update the following:

1. Add/Change Profile Picture

When choosing a profile picture consider any guidance provided by your employer to ensure it is appropriate and make sure it has your face in so people can recognise you from the picture.

Pro Tip: Having a profile picture increases the likelihood of improved engagement by 18%

Step 1 - Click on the profile image.

Step 2 - You will be able to select an image from your library or snap a new one.

Step 3 - You can then save from the top right corner or scroll to the bottom on the right.

2. Change Profile Name

Step 1 - Click on the right-hand arrow next to your name and update your name. (This is useful if your name on the HR system is your proper name but you are known by another name - ie. Nicola but known as Nicci)

Step 2 - Click on the top left arrow to go back to your profile.

Step 3 - You can then save from the top right corner or scroll to the bottom on the right.

3. Add/Change Bio

Step 1 - Click on the right-hand arrow next to 'About' to add any information about yourself you'd like to share with your colleagues.

Step 2 - Click on the top left arrow to go back to your profile.

Step 3 - You can then save from the top right corner or scroll to the bottom on the right

4. Update/Change your Password

Step 1 - You will need to scroll down and press the right-hand arrow by 'New password'. You can then type in your new password and press the left-hand arrow in the top corner.

Step 2 - Scroll back down again and this time press the click on the right-hand arrow next to "Confirm". Here you will need to confirm the new password and press the left-hand arrow at the top.

Step 3 - You can then click 'Save' at the bottom or at the top and you are done.

Pro tip: It is good practice to change your password regularly.

5. Add/Change @username

Step 1 - Click on the right-hand arrow next to your @username and update your @handle - Think Twitter. (This is automatically configured to use @{firstname}_{surname} so you can change this to a name you go by - ie. @Nicci instead of @Nicola)

Step 2 - Click on the top left arrow to go back to your profile.

Step 3 - You can then save from the top right corner or scroll to the bottom on the right.

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