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Newsfeed: Commenting and Reacting

Newsfeed interaction through comments and reactions.

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

The newsfeed on Yapster is a brilliant way to get all members of staff involved with the wider business. All employees in Yapster will be able to see what has been shared, as well as post to the newsfeed themselves. (Posting on the newsfeed can be permission-based).

You can share successes/achievements and staff recognition with the wider organisation.

Commenting & Reacting

Step 1: To comment on a post, simply tap the ‘message icon’ under the emojis of that post.

Can't see the message icon?

Newsfeed posts contain a configurable option: to disable comments on the newsfeed post.

This is the equivalent of creating a broadcast yap in terms of distributing information at scale to the entire organisation.

Although some newsfeed posts may not allow comments, you will be able to react to the post in order to engage with the content, or why not yap the user who posted if you have additional feedback or questions?

Step 2: Users will also be able to react to your comment as shown below:

Step 3: Reacting to a post. Click on any one of the emojis under the post.

You will know you have reacted when you see a green dot next to your chosen emoji.

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