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Administrator: Sending Individual Invites

Use these steps to send an invite to a member of staff whose account has been created on Yapster but cannot yet login

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to send invites to individuals in your organisation.

You may need to use this if your user is reporting that they haven't received an invite or has different/no contact details from those in the HR data. Please note we always recommend you change the upstream HR data as this will automatically flow into Yapster within 24 hours where our auto-invite feature will redirect invites to new. details, ensuring that Yapster-specific administration doesn't become burdensome!

Prerequisites to Sending Individual Invites:

  • As this feature is permission-based, you will need to have the right permissions in your account to send invites. (If you need access, get in touch with the administrator in your organisation and request the Manage User Invites permission).

  • The individual you want to invite must already be in your directory. (The directory in Yapster generally aligns with your organisation's HR system data which typically updates every 24 hours.)

    If they are not in the directory the following may have happened:

    • Reacted themself by rejecting the terms & conditions. To reverse this, you'll need to follow this guide.

    • Their account was been disabled as they have been flagged as a leaver - in this case, you'll need to establish why this user is no longer on the HR feed.

    • There is no account for the user - In this case, you'll need to establish why this user is not in the HR feed

Sending Individual Users Invites

Step 1:

Go to your 'Directory' and search for the individual you would like to invite. You will click on their name and this will take you to their profile.

Step 2:

Once you are in your colleague's profile, you will notice under their name it says 'offline' (This means they have never logged into their Yapster account).

You will need to click on the 'send invite' button.

Step 3:

Enter the mobile or email and 'Send invite'.

Top Tip: We recommend you always use emails to send emails. (We have found that there is better uptake with email invites, as people are less likely to change their email address.)

You will also notice that you will be able to see a record of invites sent including any auto-invites sent to a user. If the email address in old invites is incorrect, this will mean that there is incorrect details in your HR data, which will need to be resolved. You are also able to revoke an invite by clicking a previous invite where you'll be given two options; 1) Re-send Invite or 2) Revoke Invite

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