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Administrator: Individual Actions

Managing specific users using individual actions

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 4 years ago

Individual actions enables an administrator to manage particular users by:

  • checking disabled/active accounts;

  • verifying registered devices;

  • un-redacting users to reinstate accounts.

Head to your Admin Console πŸ”§ found in the Settings Cog βš™οΈ and choose Individual Actions.

This will open a search bar where you can look for individual users.

Results from your search will contain all user profiles whether onboarded, offline or disabled. The Admin Console holds a record of all users added to a workspace, accessible only to those with this administrator access.

A user profile with a Last Seen tag has onboarded to the platform and completed the 3 step registration process.

A user profile with an Offline tag has never accepted a login link and completed the registration process to onboard to Yapster.

A user profile with an Account disabled tag has been removed from the HR feed.

Once you've found the user you need to look into you'll be directed to the Manage Users page. This will include 5 separate sections to manage:

  • Manage devices;

  • Broadcast only;

  • Notifications;

  • Permissions;

  • Un-redact user.

Manage Devices

Allows you to see whether a user has registered a mobile number or email address to their account. If a user is attempting to login after a period of inactivity, you can click the device details attached to the account to send a login link to the user's device.

Alternatively, here's where you can add a mobile number or email address if a user has changed their device details.

Broadcast only

Toggle this option to make the user a broadcast only profile. This means that no replies will be permitted on yaps created by the user. This is ideal for administrator or bot profiles where yaps aren't monitored. When 1:1's are created with a broadcast profile/user you can save a customised message which will be displayed when users attempt to reply to a broadcast message.

This message could include the details of where to look for answers or who to yap directly to know more.

Notifications: Toggle Mute Auto-Yaps to enable auto-mute on all automatically created yaps such as Location of Function group yaps.

Permissions: here's where you can check user permissions on an individual case by case basis, to grant or revoke permissions follow this guide.

Unredact user

Users who have been redacted from the system sometimes need to be reinstated. Administrators can do this on an individual basis by scrolling to the bottom of the Manage Users screen and clicking unredact user. This will update to user is not redacted - remember to click Save.

You will notice that the user tag has changed from account redacted to account disabled. This manual reversal will require a data import to complete the action. Automated HR imports run every evening to refresh your directory - remember to send your reinstated user a login link once the HR import has run.

You will know when the import has run when the user tag changes from account disabled to a last seen timestamp.

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