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Yapster Multi-Timeline Newsfeeds

Yapster's new look newsfeed based on your location

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

Yapster's upcoming release (2.7.0) features a new look newsfeed to ensure that content always stays relevant to you.

Your new newsfeed will still look like one single timeline of posts, but will be made up of posts from all the different locations groups you're assigned to. These could be:

  • Site feed

  • Area feed

  • Regional feed

  • Brand feed

  • Company-wide feed.

Your company hierarchy dictates which levels of timeline are included in your personal view, so don't worry about setup!

Can't picture it? Here's an example:

The Manchester team have been making spooky cocktails all week, and have uploaded a video of the winner to their newsfeed. All team members assigned to the Manchester site can see and interact with the video on the newsfeed.

A new company update has just been posted by the HR Manager, which everyone in the business can see because it has been posted to the company-wide feed.

The team in Durham can see the new company update, but don't have visibility of the video that the Manchester team posted.

Why the new look?

Multi-timelines make sure everything that you can see on your timeline is relevant to you!

Now, you'll get to see everything going on at your site - you'll recognise who's posting and your team can comment and react as well as being able to keep up with company updates that won't get lost in a busy newsfeed, especially if they're posted as announcements.

Users with relevant permissions will be able to choose where they want to post their content.

Is this relevant to the whole company or one site in particular?

In the below example you can see that the post is aimed not only at everyone based in London, but everyone under the Cocktail Kitchen brand too.

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