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Administrator: Admin Yapplication

Where to find access to Admin permissions should you need them

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

The Admin yapplication in your Apps tab is accessible to anyone who needs access to grant/revoke user permissions, send bulk invites or manage brand assets in Yapster. Speak to the Yapster administrator within your organisation if you think you need access to this tool.

Open Yapster on your desktop browser ( and head to your Apps tab to access your Admin yapplication. This will open a new tab displaying 4 main headings:


You will never need to action any tasks in this section of the Admin portal. This is purely a record of all jobs that have been actioned by you e.g. invites sent to non-onboarded groups. (This log refreshes at the start of every month)

Click Details to know more about the job type, status and timestamp of the action.

** You may be asked to share these details should a job fail when the Guide Dog Team investigate**

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