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Social Media Policy

Updating your Social Media Policy

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

A social media policy is a document that outlines how an organisation and its employees should conduct themselves online. A social media policy isn't just a set of rules. It guides, advises and inspires your teams.

A good social media policy is a living document that provides guidelines for your organisation's social media use. It covers your brand's official channels, as well as how employees use social media, both personally and professionally.

An official social media policy can help you:

  • maintain your brand identity across channels;

  • treat legal and regulatory sensitivities with awareness;

  • be upfront with your employees about their own social media responsibilities;

  • encourage your employees to own and amplify your brand's message.

When building your social media policy, it's worth defining your team's roles in line with your expectations and responsibilities per your Social Leadership SLAs.

Responsibilities to assign might include:

  • posting and engagement - frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) & channel (email, Yapster, external social media);

  • crisis response - how will critical comms be distributed (to whom, by whom);

  • social media training for other employees - who's responsible, how regularly is training conducted.

Here's a free template from Hootesuite to get you started:

Where will your policy live?

This policy can be housed in a dedicated broadcast yap for policy updates, in your Apps Tab as a stand-alone document, or within your employee handbook, also housed in your Apps Tab.

Reference to your own policies can also be made in Yapster's Terms & Conditions page which staff are presented with upon first login.

If you'd like to customise this page please let us know during your launch planning call, or flag this to your account manager.

N.B. Remember your policies will need to be reviewed and updated regularly.

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