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Yap: Changing a Group Yap Icon

How to add and edit the group yap thumbnail image.

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 3 years ago

This action is permission-based. If you're the owner of a group yap or have been added as an administrator, you will be able to change the settings of a conversation.

In the group yap you'd like to edit, click on the (i) icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Next, click Edit to move to the yap details page.

Click the +camera icon to add an image. Add an image by clicking either take picture or choose picture from library to access your camera roll.

A white spinner icon may display if your image is too large, or you're attempting to attach media in an incompatible format (video, doc, pdf etc.). You can tap the existing picture to remove it.

Here you also have the ability to edit the title of the yap, disable replies to create a broadcast yap, retire the conversation and add or change the image of a yap.

Once you're happy with your changes remember to click UPDATE.

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