Ownership of group conversations in Yapster remains constant so won't change!
You can, however, add multiple Admins to a conversation. This Admin can be someone who is already a member of the conversation or someone new altogether.
Once the group admin responsibilities are handed over to someone else, you can then Mute & Archive the yap, so that you won't get notifications and it won't sit in your inbox (the only exception to this is if you get @mentioned specifically!)
What Can a Group Administrator Do?Admins in conversations have the same editing permissions for the conversations as owners, which includes access to update:
Adding an Administrator to a Yap
Step 1
Click the (i) icon in the top right corner of a group conversation to identify the owner of a conversation - this will be denoted by an Owner banner on their avatar.
Step 2: Click Add Admin(s)
Step 3: You'll then be able to search for the individual(s) you'd like to make Admins in this conversation:
Step 4: Click Continue and Update to activate your changes. You'll then see that your Admin(s) have been added.