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Leadership Q&A Setup

Practical steps to set up your regular Q&A sessions with a senior leader.

Written by Meg Payne
Updated over 2 years ago

This guide will walk you through how to set up your Q&A sessions within Yapster and includes examples to get you started.

Part 1 - Create a company-wide broadcast yap

  • The senior leader owning the Q&A project (or if separate, the owner of the yap) may need to create large conversations permission - an admin user can grant this permission where needed.

Head to the pencil icon --> Click start a yap --> Choose your locations --> Title yap "Feedback Fridays"--> Toggle disable replies ON

  • Use the largest groups of users to create your company-wide yap. For example, depending on how your teams are grouped in your HR data you could add 4 regions to the yap rather than each individual location. Here's why it's important to add locations and roles rather than individuals.

  • Using the broadcast yap functionality to turn replies off and on frequently is key in order to add structure to your communication. This ensures the conversation doesn't get off track or hijacked for another purpose.

  • The owner of the yap and chat administrators are the only users who can post when replies are disabled. Follow up the creation of the yap with a message explaining its use.

Hey everyone, I'm so grateful we've all been pulling together in such a weird time. I'm sure you have tons of questions and I want to make sure I'm available to answer them regularly so I'll be opening this yap every Friday to collect any questions you may have. Once the yap has closed look out for my video answers on the newsfeed using the #AskRob hashtag. I can't wait to get started!

  • Consistency is key here. Start small if you're worried about your capacity, or limit the number of questions you collect each week.

  • Send a message letting people know when the chat is open to encourage entries.

Happy Friday team! This yap is now open, any questions you're dying to ask me about the business, or anything else for that matter - add them into this yap. I'll be answering the first 5 questions later on the news feed so take a look ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Once you've hit the target you set, make sure to thank your contributors and let them know the yap is now closed until next time.

Some great questions - thanks so much for taking the time to ask me! That's it for this week. Check out the newsfeed later with a video under the hashtag #AskRob for my answers - and see you next week for more Q&A โœจ

TIP: to get things started, why not ask a few of your teams on the ground to prepare questions to get the ball rolling.

Part 2 - Newsfeed Post

  • Once you've read through your chosen questions it's time to film your response. Here are a few tips on how to get used to being in front of the camera - you'll get used to it we promise!

  • The target here is transparency with your teams. If you don't know the answer to one of the questions - say that! Be honest about following up when you find out.

Clara's question about whether we will continue Click & Collect once we're allowed to open as normal was great - thank you Clara! Hand on heart I don't have the answer to that at the moment. We're definitely glad something new and exciting has come out of our great teams being able to adapt. I'd say this is probably a decision we'll make after Christmas so I'll make sure to revisit this in 2023.

  • Keep consistent with your hashtags and signpost what to expect in each week's edition for your teams.

  • @mention the team members who's questions you've answered to recognise their participation and encourage interaction with your post.

Leadership Q&A: This week's #AskRob focuses on your questions around the latest "business update" announcement and what it means for you. Thanks once again for all your contributions, great questions from @Clara_Jones, @Phoebe_Townsend, @Stu_Barker and @James_Doland. Tune in next week ๐Ÿ‘‹

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