Once you've had instruction from your Yapster contact that your workspace has been built, and you and your project leaders are onboard, an initial data check should be carried out.
You will easily be able to tell if your data needs to be cleaned up by heading to the Find tab🔎.
This contains your addressable groups: your sites and your roles based on how you've organised your teams in your HR system.
Do you have any duplicates?
Do you have any role groups with only 1 user assigned to them?
It's worth thinking about whether you'd rather these were removed. Send a complete list of groups you'd like to remove to the Guide Dog Team.
Dummy profiles
Here's a quick and easy way to search for dummy accounts that have been pulled in via your HR connector. These should be removed from Yapster so they don't skew your usage numbers.
Head to your Find tab, and search:
Do not use
& any other names you're aware of that get used for dummy profiles in your system.
These accounts should be redacted. You may need to give your team this permission so they can action this clean up.