Permissions Explained

this article gives you an overview of what you can do with permissions in Yapster and how to get started

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Written by Guide Dog
Updated over a week ago

Yapster has a suite of permissions designed to allow and restrict access within the app, providing flexibility to organisations to use Yapster as they wish to communicate with teams.

These include permissions around safeguarding and monitoring content, as well as extended administration access to promote onboarding and activity within the app.

This guide should be shared with sponsors or admin users who have the relevant access to grant and revoke these permissions to users across their organisations.

Whether you are part of the project team currently planning the rollout of Yapster to your frontline teams, or your organisation has been using Yapster for a while, customising the enabled permissions within your organisation will ensure that all levels of your workforce can make the most of their access.

A standard Yapster user onboarding to the platform will be able to:

To restrict newsfeed access, log a ticket with with this request, making sure to include a complete list of roles that are permitted to post to the newsfeed.

Any additional permissions can be granted via the Admin Yapplication (permissions assigned to individual users).

Here are some role-based recommendations from the Guide Dog Team:

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